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Consider this page your electronic bulletin board. We’ll post all the announcements and information as well as recognize our incredible students here.

Reaffirmation of Address Survey

We need to keep our family contact information up to date. It is essential for us to have your correct information on file to communicate with you regarding your student, emergency situations, upcoming events, grades, etc. Please fill out this survey as soon as possible. If your home address has changed, please provide proof of your new address. You can send a copy of your proof address to our registrar or bring it to the front office. Our office hours are Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. We appreciate your help, thank you! 

Summary of Active and Inactive COVID-19 Cases

We want you to feel safe and to stay informed. Please check this update regularly for the latest information on known COVID-19 cases at MIT.